When Aotearoa went into our first Lockdown in 2020 I wondered whether my small business would survive. I had been running the "Art of Poi" workshops all over the country and people were really keen to learn the whakapapa of poi.
Suddenly this opportunity was stopped. I found myself rethinking my business strategy and means for sharing my love of poi. I had time to reflect and write a book (with my mum) about the whakapapa of poi and all the adventures Tāne-Mahuta had and how he never gave up when he was faced with challenges.
I really enjoyed the graphic design phase when creating my pukapuka, seeing what I had in my head come to life on paper, was incredible. I am so grateful to all those that helped me make this a reality and to Tāne-Muhuta for teaching me to keep going. This pukapuka is testament to the challenges I have faced and how something good has come from those hard times.
Ngā mihi
Georgia Latu