Finally we are out of the Lounge!

From April to now, just five short months. We have managed to take my business from zero to hero. And just this weekend, we managed to take everything out of our house and move into a studio at Cargill Enterprise in South Dunedin. Cargill Enterprises currently employs over 80 people with some level of a disability. Ages range from school leavers through to retirees. I really want my business to provide employment for people with a range of abilities, to improve their quality of life by helping build self-esteem, self-confidence and work skills.

All of the amazing materials and resources that mum has collected from Op Shops that has been spilling out of every room in the whare, are finally set up in our own workspace. Mum, Dad and I spent the entire weekend shifting our stuff in, after we painted the floor to freshen it up and went to the dump to buy some second-hand furniture. We still have more work to do to make it feel fancy, but at the moment it is nice to have everything out of our whare. We finally have a space where we can go and mass produce our poi, and then go home. Sometimes I have to pinch myself, this is really mine.

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